"On Periodic Resource Scheduling for Continuous Media Databases"
by Minos N. Garofalakis, Banu Özden, and
Avi Silberschatz.
Proceedings of IEEE RIDE'98,
Orlando, Florida, February 1998, pp. 111-120.
The Enhanced Pay-Per-View (EPPV) service model provides an effective
way of delivering continuous media (CM) data clips to a large number of
different clients.
The aim is to share CM streams among various clients, thereby increasing
the level of concurrency beyond the capacity limitations of available
resources (e.g., disk bandwidth, RAM, and network bandwidth), while
guaranteeing an upper bound on the clients' waiting time.
In the EPPV service model, waiting time guarantees are provided by means of
a regular playback schedule, where each continuous media clip is displayed
periodically with a frequency that depends on factors such as the
clip's popularity.
Efficiency is achieved by sharing these periodic CM streams among
multiple clients.
The EPPV model offers a number of advantages over other schemes (e.g., batching),
which makes it more attractive to large-scale service providers.
The purpose of this paper is twofold:
(1) to provide an overview of our recent results on the resource scheduling
problems associated with supporting EPPV for continuous media clips with
(possibly) different display rates, frequencies, and lengths; and,
(2) to outline a number of open research problems related to the
EPPV service model.
A major contribution of our work is the introduction of a robust scheduling
framework that, we believe, can provide solutions for a variety of realistic EPPV
resource scheduling scenarios, as well as any scheduling problem involving
regular, periodic use of a shared resource.
Based on this framework, we propose various interesting research directions
for extending the results presented in this paper.
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