"Efficiently Monitoring Bandwidth and Latency in IP Networks"
Effective monitoring of network utilization and performance indicators
is a key enabling technology for proactive and reactive resource management,
flexible accounting, and intelligent planning in next-generation IP networks.
In this paper, we address the challenging problem of efficiently
monitoring bandwidth utilization and path latencies in an IP data network.
Unlike earlier approaches, our measurement architecture assumes a single
point-of-control in the network (corresponding to the Network Operations
Center) that is responsible for gathering bandwidth and latency information
using widely-deployed management tools, like SNMP, RMON/NetFlow, and
explicitly-routed IP probe packets.
Our goal is to identify effective techniques for monitoring (a) bandwidth
usage for a given set of links or packet flows, and (b) path latencies
for a given set of paths, while minimizing the overhead imposed by the
management tools on the underlying production network.
We demonstrate that minimizing overheads under our measurement model
gives rise to new combinatorial optimization problems, most of which
prove to be NP-hard.
We also propose novel approximation algorithms for these optimization
problems and prove guaranteed upper bounds on their worst-case
Our experimental results validate our approach, demonstrating the
effectiveness of our novel monitoring algorithms over a wide range of
network topologies.
camera-ready paper
Rajeev's talk slides
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